

best weather app | weather app download

I'm gonna show you thebest weather app for your mobile device welcome to apps that roll my name is Joeand on this channel we talk about the best applications for your mobile deviceif you're interested and please consider hitting that subscribe buttonsmash the bell that way you'll know when the next video drops all right so I'mgonna quickly give you guys three reasons why I think the AccuWeathermobile app is perfect for your phone and I think you should download it reasonnumber one is if you're a weather fanatic such as myself it's an easy appto use it breaks down everything I'm gonna show you here in a second whyreason number two if you ride a motorcycle 

I ride a motorcycleyou're always eyeballing the weather what's gonna happen during that day orif you're planning ahead while you're on your bike you want to know what theweather is gonna be like in the future this is a perfect app to have and lastbut not least like myself as well if you're an outdoorsy type person youdon't want to get stuck in the rain in bad weather in general while you're outso this is a perfect app because it'll tell you what's going on in the futurewithin the hour all right guys so here we go we're gonna jump into the Accuweather app for iPhone as you can see first thing is the homescreen here it'sobviously nighttime so you can see the moon I like the little illustrationthere like 

I said this is a basic simple app easily readable whether you're intoweather a lot or you're just trying to look at it at a glance and get what'sgoing on in the weather basically for the day for the evening as you can seeyour location you could quit click to the radar here boom there you go you gotyour radar screen you could zoom in and everything just like most apps you canzoom out you can see what's going on over here hit play you can see the rainwhatever weathers are going on at that time you could also look at the futureradar so I'll give you the future of what's going on obviously nothing herein Pennsylvania which is great I'm not gonna complain about that you could alsoinstead of hitting the radar button here you could slide to the left you canscroll down a little bit here and check out looking ahead it's gonna give youwhat to expect ahead of time so tomorrow night it's saying through Friday eveningtoday's Wednesday saying Thursday through Friday evening look expect rainyweather you can scroll down as well and see that it's clear look at thehour-by-hour temperature which is great what's it gonna be partly sunny you cancheck out the real feel if you're into that like 

I said with motorcycles andeverything like that when you're riding the real field temperature is probably alittle bit better to figure out what the temperature is really gonna feel likewhat you need to wear how you need to bundle up and then you can go and lookat the percentages of precipitation hour-by-hour up to 

I believe it'sprobably like up 36 hours or so you can check the percentages obviously like itsaid it's gonna rain there's a good chance on Friday and into Saturday youcan also get some videos here some trending news videos usually involvingwhether it's fun on the go then you could scroll down here and see the dailyforecasts of what's coming up ahead it'll go all the way to next Tuesday soyou're looking at about six seven-day forecastyou can also hit 15 day forecasts and get even further ahead for the planningpurposes and then you can get additional days if you want however you have toupgrade to the Platinum version I don't have that I'm not trying to look at thatfar ahead and then you could scroll down and you'll see down here it'll show youthe Sun and the moon when the Sun rises when sunset is what type of moon andeverything's going on what time you could also add special locations so asyou can see here I have my location set up for Niagara Falls Ohio some Baltimoreyou can click on these right away and see same exact stuffBAM takes you right in as long as you 

know the zip code or the name of thecity it'll bring it up let's do one for example let's say heading to New YorkCity there you go New York New York boom we added it let'sgo over there pretty much the same weather as it is at my house but it'spretty simple pretty basic I love this app I love everything about itoh 

I almost forgot as well at the top here you'll see red flag warning goingon this is where it'll tell you any kind of severe weather alerts whether it bepertaining to fires things like that fire Weather Watch red flag warning upin New York and it'll break it all down this is what the National WeatherService basically tells you so if you hear things on the radio and everythinglike that this is basically like the National Weather Service has issued ared flag warning and stuff like that it'll break it down to even what itmeans what's a red flag warning some people don't know boom there you goit'll break that down for every type of weather that's going on I love this appalright guys so that's the Accu weather 

app for your iphone hope you guysenjoyed this video if you haven't done so yet make sure you hit that subscribebutton smash the bell that way you're notified when the next video drops andbefore you head out why don't you check out one of these videos this is the onethat YouTube recommends for you to watch next and I have a little playlist hereon some of the best applications for doing podcasts if you do a podcast checkthem out I will see you guys soon peace 

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